Wednesday, December 21, 2011

How to Put on Weight Fast - GOMAD

For a lot of individuals they have the opposite problem that most people face, being too skinny. I have some friends that have this problem, they are way to skinny for their height and never can eat enough it seems to put on any real weight. Usually it's a vicious cycle for them because their body demands less calories than someone of a normal weight so they have a smaller appetite.  Their daily calorie intake will be much lower than someone who weighs 30 lbs more than they do. By lacking the appetite you only end up eating what your body wants to maintain your current build, which in result means you never gain weight.

For most people to conquer this they will need to eat well beyond just being full during a meal and even more so throughout the day. But some people just can't do it, they can't stuff themselves beyond a certain point or they just feel sick and they can't obtain the calorie intake they need to put any weight on. There is a solution I have found that will work if you like drinking milk or you're not lactose intolerant.

 The GOMAD method, which means Gallon of Milk Per Day, is a weight gain method that has been around for many years. To do this method you will do exactly what is sounds like doing, drink a gallon of milk per day. Here are some of the benefits,
  1. Weight Gain:  Some weight gainers have reported gaining up to 25 lbs in 30 days.
  2. Strength Gain:  If you also work out the whole milk and protein can help build muscle and boost strength.
  3. It's Easy:  Drinking milk is about the easiest form of boosting your calorie and protein intake.  A lot easier than eating solids.
  4. It's Relatively Cheap:  For what it contains nothing rivals it.  Spend a few bucks per day on milk, heck you were probably already spending that on snacks.
You should purchase whole milk and ignore low fat or skim, they lack the calories and protein you need to bulk up.  If you want to even speed up the weight gain you can buy some whey protein to make shakes with the milk.  Chocolate whey is great with milk, if you grew up liking chocolate milk this can make it less boring.

You should eat every three hours and drink a 1/4 of a gallon at each sitting then have the other 1/4 post workout.  Just the milk alone will put you at 2400 calories per day and that can go even higher with whey protein and your meals.  It is best to go about 10 lbs above your goal weight as you will probably lose some of the weight once you are finished with GOMAD.  It's important to stop once you have reached your goal, you don't need to put on unnecessary weight.

Once you have completed a round of GOMAD you will quickly notice how much your appetite will grow.  Your body will be wanting more calories to maintain this new bigger body and if you keep up the intake you will easily maintain it.  Good luck with the weigh gain!

1 comment:

  1. To put on weight one must increase the number of meals and add smarter food more in their meals. Increase protein and calories intake and have energy drinks. Do take supplements and increase workouts.
    san antonio personal trainer


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